Yes! You Absolutely Should Write Personal Vows!

Looking to craft heartfelt, personal vows for your big day? Maybe you’re on the fence because it feels “too personal” or vulnerable … if you’re even reading this you’re probably thinking about it … DO IT! Write your own vows! Do it, do it, do it!

You’ll have zero regrets.

Here is our guide to writing your personalized vows, including some Kickstart Questions to get the ink flowing.

Kudos for wanting to put your feelings down on paper. It’s no easy feat, even for the most romantic at heart. And we’re not all poets - but vows don’t need to be poetic, or beautiful, or even cleverly written … vows just need to be from the heart.

Don’t know where to start with your vows? Imagine standing at the top of the aisle with your partner, in front of your nearest and dearest, all the hard work and planning (or keep it stress free and easy breezy with East Coast Pop Ups) is behind you now. Let all that fade away, just like in the movies when the world slows down, and focus on just your sweetheart. What do you want them to know and need them to remember for the rest of your lives together? In what ways do you show up for your partner and how will you continue to honour them and cherish them in your actions.

But don’t get too in your head about it. DON’T OVERTHINK THE PROCESS. The process of writing your vows is a wonderful way to remember why you’re getting married to begin with. (Spoiler, it’s not because you like budgeting wedding expenses).

Embrace the experience, the awkward and vulnerable nature of it. Be brave and tender at the same time, make it special. Consider the hard times and the amazing times you’ve shared. Consider the difficult and the wonderful times that will come. Then write your vows based on how you want to experience these moments together.

Another option? Write your vows together. They can be different from one another or they can be a shared set of vows that you each read in turn. We’ve seen this done quite a bit and it’s really lovely and just as personal. Share the experience. Vow writing is such a nice way to step away from the rest of the process, the logistics of planning a wedding and to focus on yourselves, your partnership, and where this journey will take you. Honour that and write those darn vows.

If nothing else, consider this: your guests are here for a show:

The anticipation!

The ring exchange!

Those vows!

That first kiss!

Be funny, be heartfelt, be yourselves. Your guests (and your soon-to-be-spouses) will appreciate it more than you know! When it comes to your wedding or elopement, embracing personalized vows creates an unforgettable moment. Sometimes it’s our absolute favourite part of the day. It’s sincerely when your truest self shines through.


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